How Can Publishers Move Towards a More Environmentally Sustainable Business?

In an era where environmental consciousness is crucial, industries across the board are striving to minimise their ecological footprint. The publishing industry, in particular, has been increasingly scrutinised for its environmental impact, from paper usage to distribution practices. Recently, emc design attended the Independent Publishers Guild Spring Conference event, which shed light on the strides [...]

10-20 shortcuts student designers need to know about!

Weā€™re often being asked how we manage to get through so much work and cope with tricky time-scales on our projects. Alongside having an experienced team we also have many processes and systems to help support us in efficient and consistent product in methodologies. No matter how experienced we are, we are constantly learning new [...]

BookMachine CAMPUS: Photo research tips for success: Making the most of media

BookMachineā€™s 2022 Autumn CAMPUS courses have been released and one of our Art Buyerā€™s, Lucy has become a BookMachine CAMPUS course tutor! BookMachine CAMPUS is BookMachineā€™s library of industry-specific visual courses for publishing professionals, who want to gather new, or brush up on their existing skills. The courses are less than an hour in length [...]

5 Adobe Illustrator tips to make your graphics standout

In this final installment in our ā€˜Adobe tips and tricksā€™ series, weā€™d like to share our five favourite tips for working in Illustrator. This vector graphics software is widely used by us to create high-quality realia, illustrations and infographics for a variety of products. Top 5 Illustrator tips: Use the offset path tool to create [...]

5 Adobe Photoshop tips to make your images more pro

5 Adobe Photoshop tips to make your images more pro In our last post, we shared our top tips to try when using Adobe InDesign ā€“ we hope you liked them! Today, weā€™re sharing our five favourite tips for Adobe Photoshop. At EMC, we pride ourselves on realistic and effective use of Photoshop [...]

Why creative assets matter: BookMachine’s final Unplugged event of 2020

It's true what they say, illustrations and images really can make or break a publication. No matter how great the typography is or how beautifully written the words are, if the creative assets don't deliver you will only have half a product! On Wednesday 11th November join me (Sophie) and an amazing panellist of speakers [...]

Meet Kayleigh – our newest Designer

  In November 2017, Kayleigh joined us from London based Stocks Taylor Benson. Now that she’s settled in, we thought it was about time we sat down with her to find out more. Ł„Ų¹ŲØ Ł‚Ł…Ų§Ų± Ų¹Ł„Ł‰ Ų§Ł„Ł†ŲŖ     Before joining emc design you worked at Stocks Taylor Benson, what did you do there and [...]

From one Production Editor to another: Sarah’s view.

Here at emc design we currently have an opening in the Publishing Services team for a Production Editor. As one myself I want to give potential applicants an insight into the heart of the role of Production Editor at emc. If youā€™ve read the job pack already youā€™ll know how varied the day-to-day tasks are. [...]

New Year, New Job.

Here at emc design, we are dedicated to finding the right people to help grow our business. We are currently looking for someone who isĀ organised and meticulous to join our Publishing Services team as a Production Editor. If you are interested, head over to our 'join us' page for all the details.       [...]

Our 2017 Christmas card is here!

After last weeks 'making of', which you can read here, it's time to reveal this years Christmas card.               Our cards were posted earlier this week so should be arriving very soon. Which one is your favourite? Can you think of a better pun? Let us know below.