How Can Publishers Move Towards a More Environmentally Sustainable Business?

In an era where environmental consciousness is crucial, industries across the board are striving to minimise their ecological footprint. The publishing industry, in particular, has been increasingly scrutinised for its environmental impact, from paper usage to distribution practices. Recently, emc design attended the Independent Publishers Guild Spring Conference event, which shed light on the strides [...]

EMC becomes Carbon Negative – an update on our climate change pledge

This time last year we shared this post on our climate change pledge as a way to hold us accountable for our progress. And on Friday last week (22nd April) as the world celebrated Earth Day emc design was issued with our Carbon Neutral certification from Carbon Neutral Britain. One small part of our climate [...]

Our climate change pledge

As individuals and as a company we have watched and read countless documentaries and articles on the devastating affects climate change is having on our world. Our planet is beautifully made, perfectly balanced with ecosystems that are intended to support and help life thrive. Humans, animals and plants have lived in harmony on our earth [...]