Skills development is a key element of emc’s success

Staying sharp - twice a day the Publishing Services team takes time to stretch At emc design we’re constantly striving to develop our skills and increase our knowledge in order to offer an even better service to our clients. In fact, continuous improvement is one of our core values, and regularly making enhancements [...]

The first emc ‘wayzgoose’

This week saw our first ‘wayzgoose’, and we know what you’re thinking… “the first emc what? بلاك جاك ” Historically, a wayzgoose was an annual event held by the masters of printing houses to mark the end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Thankfully we no longer have to [...]

Meet Liz – our new Production Editor

Now that we have all met Alicia, it's time to introduce Liz, our newest recruit and new Production Editor. Before joining emc design you worked at The Outlook Creative Group, what did you do there and how has it prepared you for your role at emc? At Outlook I proofread, checked and wrote copy for videos, [...]

emc Tutorials #2 Quick and easy torn paper edges

Adam’s tutorial this week will teach us to make nice looking torn paper edges using illustrator symbols. Have a go following the steps below and let us know how you get on. can you use horse ivermectin for dogs Step one Open up illustrator and make sure your symbols window is active:         [...]

Creative Education and Employment

On Tuesday, the BBC reported results of their recent survey, which suggested that creative subjects are being squeezed in secondary schools, with many reducing timetabled lessons, facilities and their number of specialist staff. Jez Bennett, a local Head Teacher interviewed for the article, talked openly about having to cut lessons for financial reasons and was aware of some schools no longer offering GCSEs in arts [...]

Meet Kayleigh – our newest Designer

  In November 2017, Kayleigh joined us from London based Stocks Taylor Benson. Now that she’s settled in, we thought it was about time we sat down with her to find out more. لعب قمار على النت     Before joining emc design you worked at Stocks Taylor Benson, what did you do there and [...]

emc Tutorials #1 creating easy low geometric icons

Every week Adam, one of our Senior Designers, is going to search the web for tips, tricks and tutorials to share with the studio and here, on our blog. The first one comes from Shutterstock and is nice little guide for drawing low poly icons from a photo/illustration. They are a bit of a design trend [...]

From one Production Editor to another: Sarah’s view.

Here at emc design we currently have an opening in the Publishing Services team for a Production Editor. As one myself I want to give potential applicants an insight into the heart of the role of Production Editor at emc. If you’ve read the job pack already you’ll know how varied the day-to-day tasks are. [...]