Creative Education and Employment

On Tuesday, the BBC reported results of their recent survey, which suggested that creative subjects are being squeezed in secondary schools, with many reducing timetabled lessons, facilities and their number of specialist staff. Jez Bennett, a local Head Teacher interviewed for the article, talked openly about having to cut lessons for financial reasons and was aware of some schools no longer offering GCSEs in arts [...]

Pinterest: How and why do we use it?

We love Pinterest! As a design agency, being able to find inspiration and market trends quickly and efficiently in a demanding publishing world is vital. Not only to ensure that we can meet design budgets but to ensure that we are designing the most creatively appealing material as well as ensuring we design for the [...]

Major Company Update

You may or may not have noticed the increase in activity from us lately (twitter, facebook, linked in) and there is a very good reason for that... In the run up to Christmas we have a packed schedule: lots of ELT & Educational Design Projects, a very exciting secret project, planning MaWSIG Events, more growth plans and [...]

emc design's Official Arsenal and Liverpool Activity Books

emc design has gone red with pride as Carlton Books release Arsenal and Liverpool Colouring and Sticker Activity Books as well as Official Guide & Record Books for the Premiership's current leading clubs! We have been busy working over this last year with Carlton Publishing Group to produce and design the Activity and Sticker Books [...]

Our article for @BookMachine on the digital narrative @InanimateAlice

Welcome to the world of Inanimate Alice, a truly digital novel that has taken the educational world by storm. The idea for Alice first came about in 2003 and the team (Ian Harper, Chris Joseph and award winning author Kate Pullinger) published the first episode in 2005. The story is told by Alice through 10 [...]