It’s beginning to look a lot like /ˈkrɪsməs/ (Christmas)

Here at emc design, we love Christmas and it’s an excellent opportunity for our team to embrace their creative side with something a bit different. mite medicine for rats ivermectin drops 1% Every year we design our own christmas card and this year we’ve added a touch of humour, based around design and editorial puns. [...]

Reflections from BookMachine’s United We Publish: III Last week BookMachine and Unite hosted the third in a series of events focusing on working in the publishing industry. United We Publish III: Consent or Coersion consisted of a panel of speakers discussing the role of change in the workplace and how to manage it. During a fascinating evening we heard [...]

Show me what you mean­ – how editors and authors can influence the design process [guest post] Lyn Strutt is an ELT professional providing editorial services and consultancy for the educational publishing industry. She is an Advanced Professional Member of the SfEP with extensive experience of editing teaching and training materials, and has a background in training adults in English and business skills. In this post, she looks at ways in [...]

We’re hiring designers [JOB ALERT]

emc design is looking for an experienced graphic designer to join our leading design agency for the publishing industry. We are passionate about what we do and have built up an unrivalled reputation in producing high end, multi-component (print & digital) resources for international education markets. Clients return to us because we have a team [...]

Design using restricted colour palettes: Why? Part 2

Collins duotone colourizer app In Part one, we looked at the historical necessity of using two colours and how we used to go about achieving this. Of course, all of these techniques can still be used, but most people work in CMYK or RGB nowadays. The agency Collins who re-branded Spotify, because of the need [...]

Design using restricted colour palettes: Is less more? Part 1

One of the design trends in which we’ve seen a resurgence lately is working with a restricted colour palette. Back in the day, when EMC was young (and before), this was because of the relatively high cost of four colour printing. So books, book covers and marketing material often had to use one or two colours. [...]

Joint 25th birthday celebrations with Beehive Illustration & emc design [INTERVIEW]

This time last year we turned 25 years old and have had a year-long celebration of this milestone. Throughout the year we've published special interviews with long-standing members of staff John, Mike and Gavin. We've written a host of 25 themed posts like 25 years of education, 25 influential designers and 25 keyboard short-cuts. We've eaten a lot of [...]

How to write a design brief and why it’s important to get right One of the biggest aspects that can make or break a design project is the briefing process. The best design work comes when designers are confident, as with many walks of life. If designers are given great briefs, that they're confident in understanding, then they can spend the full amount of time designing instead of querying what is [...]

Marketing Vs Design – which matters more? [EVENT]

  Marketing Vs Design – which matters more? This is the question we are posing on Wednesday 2nd November as part of our next BookMachine design event. We all know that both design and marketing are integral to making and selling the best books but all too often the two disciplines are kept very separate [...]

We’re looking for designers and art buyers to join our team

With lots of new projects booked into the studio we are once again on the hunt for lovely, talented people to join our creative editorial design agency. In particular we are looking for Junior Designers to join us via our Graduate Design Scheme. And Art buyers who can source & commission beautiful illustrations as well [...]