How Can Publishers Move Towards a More Environmentally Sustainable Business?

In an era where environmental consciousness is crucial, industries across the board are striving to minimise their ecological footprint. The publishing industry, in particular, has been increasingly scrutinised for its environmental impact, from paper usage to distribution practices. Recently, emc design attended the Independent Publishers Guild Spring Conference event, which shed light on the strides [...]

The Power of Icons: A Visual Language for the Digital Age

Icons, stemming from the Greek word "eikōn," meaning "image," are one of the most used graphic elements in our digital age, but their significance can be traced back to the earliest human civilisations. Humans have been conveying messages using symbols and pictures for over 40,000 years, predating the emergence of any written language. Pictorial symbols [...]

By |2023-10-18T12:32:52+01:00October 18th, 2023|Categories: Design, Uncategorized|0 Comments

BookMachine CAMPUS: Photo research tips for success: Making the most of media

BookMachine’s 2022 Autumn CAMPUS courses have been released and one of our Art Buyer’s, Lucy has become a BookMachine CAMPUS course tutor! BookMachine CAMPUS is BookMachine’s library of industry-specific visual courses for publishing professionals, who want to gather new, or brush up on their existing skills. The courses are less than an hour in length [...]

5 Adobe Photoshop tips to make your images more pro

5 Adobe Photoshop tips to make your images more pro In our last post, we shared our top tips to try when using Adobe InDesign – we hope you liked them! Today, we’re sharing our five favourite tips for Adobe Photoshop. At EMC, we pride ourselves on realistic and effective use of Photoshop [...]

Tapping into IATEFL 2019: inclusivity and workplace English

Here at emc design, we create textbooks and learning resources for English language students, and to do this we need to have a deep understanding of learners today. Only by understanding how real students behave, think and feel when interacting with learning materials can we find the solutions needed to inspire and teach learners of [...]

10 inspiring places for designers in London

Where do designers find their inspiration? And how do we take inspiration from similar mediums, without copying? Some lucky designers just need to see great work to get inspired. Some designers can find inspiration in just about anything. Most of us agree that looking outside of the publishing industry gets our creative juices flowing, so [...]

By |2017-03-16T13:41:11+01:00April 20th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

Unleashing the power of emc’s “fine-tooth comb”

Here at emc design, we work with publishers of all sizes – from large international education publishers to niche specialists who only publish occasionally. Like our clients, we are big and small. ivermectin sales Yep, you read that right. We are one of the biggest agencies in the publishing industry, but we work in small teams, each [...]

25 Up and Coming Illustrators

Back in July we visited the D&AD New Blood exhibition. As a design agency we visit each year to seek out new designers to join our team, as well as to see some of the other beautiful design work graduates are producing. We are always excited to see the illustrations on display as we’re always [...]

A Scrumdiddlyumptious Tea Party

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Roald Dahl’s birth. ivermectin 50 um nuclear impirt With celebrations happening all over the world, we thought we would join in the fun with a little tea party of our own – focusing on the author’s gloriumptious stories and characters. After building up our Honey points from Beehive Illustration [...]

A guide to the perfect job application

Thinking of applying to one of our job vacancies? Well look no further. We've put together a range of posts and tips for you to create the perfect application and find out a bit more about what it's like to work for emc design. We thought it would help if we started by telling you how we recruit, [...]