BookMachine CAMPUS: Photo research tips for success: Making the most of media

BookMachine’s 2022 Autumn CAMPUS courses have been released and one of our Art Buyer’s, Lucy has become a BookMachine CAMPUS course tutor! BookMachine CAMPUS is BookMachine’s library of industry-specific visual courses for publishing professionals, who want to gather new, or brush up on their existing skills. The courses are less than an hour in length [...]

6 tips for adapting artwork

At emc design we are very familiar with adapting educational course materials for multiple markets. Often the International version will be adapted to suit different markets, territories and educational situations. As well as re-writing anything from 20-60% of the material the artwork and images are also adapted to suit these different versions and the newly written content. [...]

What makes an image memorable? In our selfie, snap-chat, Instagram obsessed world we are asking what makes an image memorable? Or perhaps not necessarily memorable but one that has a permanence, a presence that will stick in our minds for more than a few seconds of scrolling through Facebook and Twitter. In a recent Royal Academy of [...]

25 Top Words of The Day

Every day our Creative Services team choose a Word of the day. As part of our 25th birthday, we have chosen 25 of their top choices to share with you and here they are: Epexegesis (n) The addition of extra words to clarify an explanation. Penniform (adj) Feather-shaped. Atrate (n) A person who dresses in black. Halcyon (adj) Calm; peaceful; [...]

Using stock images in ELT materials design – making the most of your picture research

Last week we discussed stock images in ELT materials design, including the benefits and limitations of their use. We briefly touched on what picture researchers need to do to find the right images, and in this post we’ll dig a bit deeper and explore how we approach picture research here at emc. The deal with [...]

How to add creative value without extra cost

We’re always drawing odd bits and pieces to embellish realia (real life examples in educational publishing). القمار This adds value to the page without our client needing to purchase images. It’s also part of our design service at emc! العاب تجلب المال We keep a pool of commonly used textures and even flags. This means [...]