2019 ELT Freelancers’ Awayday

This month Lucy, Liz and Sarah attended the fifth ELT Freelancers’ Awayday #FreeELT, a networking day for the freelance ELT community with a packed programme of discussions, presentations and speakers. It was a great opportunity for us to put faces to names and catch up with freelancers we’ve worked with closely, as well as make [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:30:46+01:00January 30th, 2019|Categories: ELT, Events, Publishing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

#workinpublishing week

To mark work in publishing week, We’ve asked Lucy, our Publishing Services Manager, to provide an insight into her role. استراتيجيات الروليت Explain what your company does. At emc design we are the leading print and digital design agency for publishing, working primarily on ELT and educational courses and material, commissioned by the top publishers [...]

Skills development is a key element of emc’s success

Staying sharp - twice a day the Publishing Services team takes time to stretch At emc design we’re constantly striving to develop our skills and increase our knowledge in order to offer an even better service to our clients. In fact, continuous improvement is one of our core values, and regularly making enhancements [...]

Our highlights from the IPG’s Autumn Conference

 It’s always great to attend a publishing event, with industry experts passionately sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise, and the IPG autumn conference, held last month, certainly didn’t disappoint. Here are our top takeaway points from the conference: Create a culture and environment where there is a clear purpose, radical honesty, where you lead by [...]

Three things I’ve learnt in my first year at emc design

http://gty.im/999497942 Today marks one year since I joined the team at emc design as Publishing Services Manager, which like most anniversaries obviously calls for cake!  For those not lucky enough to share a slice, I thought I’d share with you the top three things I’ve learnt about the company over the last 12 months. 1. [...]

Meet Alicia – our new Assistant Production Editor

After months of searching we finally found not one but two wonderful people to join our Publishing Services team. The first, Alicia, joined us in May. Time to find out more. Before joining emc design you worked at Bidwriting.com, what did you do there and how has it prepared you for your role at emc? [...]

New Year, New Job.

Here at emc design, we are dedicated to finding the right people to help grow our business. We are currently looking for someone who is organised and meticulous to join our Publishing Services team as a Production Editor. If you are interested, head over to our 'join us' page for all the details.       [...]