How Can Publishers Move Towards a More Environmentally Sustainable Business?

In an era where environmental consciousness is crucial, industries across the board are striving to minimise their ecological footprint. The publishing industry, in particular, has been increasingly scrutinised for its environmental impact, from paper usage to distribution practices. Recently, emc design attended the Independent Publishers Guild Spring Conference event, which shed light on the strides [...]

10-20 shortcuts student designers need to know about!

We’re often being asked how we manage to get through so much work and cope with tricky time-scales on our projects. Alongside having an experienced team we also have many processes and systems to help support us in efficient and consistent product in methodologies. No matter how experienced we are, we are constantly learning new [...]

Interview with Alicia about the Publishing Services team

Committed to building long-standing relationships with our publishing clients, the Publishing Services team at emc design are drawn into a variety of projects. They might be commissioning and sourcing photos one day and proof checking final layouts the next. Here we interview Assistant Production Editor, Alicia, about the ins and outs of working on the [...]

#workinpublishing week

To mark work in publishing week, We’ve asked Lucy, our Publishing Services Manager, to provide an insight into her role. استراتيجيات الروليت Explain what your company does. At emc design we are the leading print and digital design agency for publishing, working primarily on ELT and educational courses and material, commissioned by the top publishers [...]

Upcoming Events and Shows

Here at emc, we aim to attend as many industry shows and events as possible. With BETT 2018, The London Book Fair and Fotofringe out of the way, we are looking forward to a busy September. 18th September – Lucy will be attending the IPG Autumn Conference in London 18th to 20th September – Mike will be [...]

emc trekkers take on the Mighty Hike

  Macmillan Cancer Support are putting on their Mighty Hike series for the second year in 2018. These one-day marathon hikes run throughout the most beautiful landscapes in Great Britain. Under the banner of ‘emc trekkers’, Helen, Abi, Kayleigh and Sarah walked a grand total of 26.5 miles to support the great work Macmillan Cancer [...]

EMC at BookMachine Unplugged 2018: Talking Design

  On 20 June, emc design hosted BookMachine Unplugged 2018: Talking Design at The Driver, Kings Cross, London.  It was part of a series of exciting BookMachine events that aim to explore what is currently happening in the world of publishing.       The evening focused on the visual trends emerging from outside of [...]

Creative Education and Employment

On Tuesday, the BBC reported results of their recent survey, which suggested that creative subjects are being squeezed in secondary schools, with many reducing timetabled lessons, facilities and their number of specialist staff. Jez Bennett, a local Head Teacher interviewed for the article, talked openly about having to cut lessons for financial reasons and was aware of some schools no longer offering GCSEs in arts [...]

Our 2017 Christmas card is here!

After last weeks 'making of', which you can read here, it's time to reveal this years Christmas card.               Our cards were posted earlier this week so should be arriving very soon. Which one is your favourite? Can you think of a better pun? Let us know below.  

Meet Josie – one of our new graduate designers [INTERVIEW]

We can't believe it's November already ! Which means we are very behind in introducing our newest recruits. Over the summer months we ran an extensive campaign to find the best graduate designers and we were lucky enough to find three brilliant designers to join the team. Over the next couple of weeks we'll be [...]