The benefits of in-house Creative Content – a designers response

Last week we posted 'The benefits of in-house Creative Content – why picture researchers need designers'. The post looked at the advantages from a picture research point of view of working in the same studio as our designers. Amy, one of our Design Managers, gives her response on why our set-up is beneficial to our design [...]

The benefits of in-house Creative Content – why picture researchers need designers

In our previous posts about using stock images in ELT materials, we discussed how to make the most of picture research, giving away some of our (not-so-secret) secrets. Here at emc, we’re lucky to have a dedicated, in-house Creative Content team who work closely with our designers to ensure that the research we do not [...]

How agile can we be? Top 5 tips for working together in a global publishing industry – Part 3 of 3

So here we are at the third and final post in our mini-series on being agile in the publishing world. If you’ve been following along with us so far, in part 1 of this mini-series, you’ll remember that we introduced the complex and rapidly-changing world of (specifically) ELT publishing, highlighting the need for agile workflows [...]

How agile can we be? An editorial perspective – Part 2 of 3

In the first part of this mini-series we discussed the complexities of ELT publishing – focusing on publishers’ growing need to get courses to market quickly without losing quality. To do this, the supply chain for larger projects is often made up of smaller companies and individuals, all of whom are going to be working [...]

How agile can we be? Working effectively with small businesses – Part 1

As global publishers increasingly promote agile workflows both internally and externally, they rely more and more heavily on many individuals and smaller businesses to help get their massive, multi-million pound courses and products to market. These external suppliers (like emc) can provide any number of different services – from simple design of one component to [...]

What a busy summer we've had

The UK has seen some of its hottest temperatures for a few years this summer but whilst the rest of the country may have been donning their sun hats and relaxing by the sea emc design has been hard at work having had some of our busiest months on record. We’ve invested in a whole [...]

Meet emc design's newest designers; Eduardo, Becky, Abi & Jordan

Over the summer we’ve been busily recruiting top new designers to join our growing and very busy team! We have a very stringent recruitment processes to ensure that we pick the most creative designers who also have a strong technical approach. We had about 450 candidates apply throughout the summer so it was no mean [...]

Magic Time 2nd edition from Oxford University Press

One of the projects we worked on last year for Oxford University Press Magic Time second edition is now available to buy from OUP. We loved re-editioning this popular Primary ELT series and think young learners will find it magical! escabiose ivermectina Multi-component projects, like Magic Time, require design and visual consistency throughout, as well [...]

Global by Macmillan – a case study

For the last few years emc design has been working with the Macmillan ELT team on the acclaimed Global ELT series. To get an understanding of the enormity of the project and the many processes involved in creating such an extensive course we've created a case study on the design & production process. See it [...]

The buzz of seeing our work on the stand

When we visited IATEFL and London Book Fair in April it was brilliant seeing some of the projects we’ve been involved in over the past few years being displayed proudly on the Publishers stands. اربح المال What was even more rewarding, at IATEFL especially, was seeing teachers flicking through the pages and seeing how they [...]