Meet Niamh – our newest Graduate Junior Designer

Earlier this summer we launched the first round of our 2022 Graduate Designer Recruitment programme. Our culture is to nurture and develop new industry talent by training graduates in all we do. Over the years we have found it to be one of the best ways to grow as a company and we are so [...]

Reflections from BookMachine’s United We Publish: III Last week BookMachine and Unite hosted the third in a series of events focusing on working in the publishing industry. United We Publish III: Consent or Coersion consisted of a panel of speakers discussing the role of change in the workplace and how to manage it. During a fascinating evening we heard [...]

Meet us at The London Illustration Fair

Next week from the 1st to 4th December London's Oxo Tower plays host to the London Illustration Fair and we're going to be there. The event showcases some of the best illustrative talent from across the globe as well as exhibits other crafty wares. There are also various workshops to get your teeth stuck into [...]

Celebrating 25 years of design [Interview with Production Manager John]

 In the latest of our special 25-year anniversary blog posts, we interview John, our Production Manager. John joined emc back in 1998 as Mike’s first full-time employee and is still with us today. 1.  When you first joined emc, InDesign didn’t exist! In this time what have been some of the biggest changes you’ve seen in the tools of [...]

Interested in joining our team? Come to our open day…

With lots of exciting plans and projects booked in this year we are looking to grow our team of designers, production editors and art buyers. سلوتس Recruiting is one of our biggest challenges; finding the right people, with the right skills and the right attitude is difficult. We can’t always tell from just looking at [...]

We can't believe it's been a year…

Today marks the day we packed up and moved from our studio in the barn into our new home. We have now been in our new home for a whole year! We made the decision to move out of our lovely barn as we had just about outgrown it. With a growing team we were [...]

A window into our world

Way back in May last year we took the big decision to move into new premises as we had outgrown our old studio at the Barn. Whilst we settled in quickly (we had to really as we were incredibly busy) we still needed to do quite a bit of work to create the design studio [...]

New Year, New job at emc design?

We can't believe how quickly 2014 came and went. For us it was a great year, we worked on some brilliant projects, we moved to new premises and we were fortunate enough to employ some brilliant new people! 2015 promises to be an equally epic year and we are excited to announce 4 job positions [...]

Instagram – Creativity for time poor people

EMC is expanding it’s Creative Content department and we are very focused on creative images. A number of our designers have creative hobbies outside of work, including our MD Mike. He has recently joined Instagram and here is his take on the forum. When time allows I enjoy drawing and painting and also photography. What I don’t do any more is actual design in the [...]