Upcoming Events and Shows

    Here at emc, we aim to attend as many industry shows and events as possible. With BETT 2018, The London Book Fair and Fotofringe out of the way, we are looking forward to a busy September. 18th September – Lucy will be attending the IPG Autumn Conference in London 18th to 20th September – Mike will be [...]

      Meet Alicia – our new Assistant Production Editor

      After months of searching we finally found not one but two wonderful people to join our Publishing Services team. The first, Alicia, joined us in May. Time to find out more. Before joining emc design you worked at Bidwriting.com, what did you do there and how has it prepared you for your role at emc? [...]

        Type table Wordsearch [COMPETITION]

        Shortly after we moved to our new studio in 2014, we decided a type based table would be a nice piece of furniture to have in our reception. But we couldn’t find what we were looking for. Consequently we decided to make one ourselves. We bought two empty type cases, bolted them together on a base, [...]

          What makes an image memorable?

          http://gty.im/475701256 In our selfie, snap-chat, Instagram obsessed world we are asking what makes an image memorable? Or perhaps not necessarily memorable but one that has a permanence, a presence that will stick in our minds for more than a few seconds of scrolling through Facebook and Twitter. In a recent Royal Academy of [...]