How are you finding emc so far?
It’s a fantastic working environment! Not too big that it will take me months to find my feet, and not too small that I don’t think I am part of something good. Hang on, I guess I am living an emc strapline ‘we’re big and small’. So far everyone has been so friendly and genuine, it is nice to come into a working environment like that.
How do you think your previous role at the RSPb has prepared you for the role here at emc?
I had a similar role at the RSPB, and was responsible for picture research and commissioning photographers and the occasional illustrator for RSPB communications both digital and printed. The charity sector is not that different to the educational sector and educational resources increasingly formed a major part of the RSPB’s editorial output. As part of a very small team supporting the whole workforce, I got to grips with most aspects of licensing and commissioning over my time there, preparing me well for similar roles.
What is it that you love about photography?
There are so many things I love about photography, but the overarching thing I like is how photography can be at its basic level just a way of recording something, but then in another application can be an artform in its own right. A single photo can engage so many people, it really is the ultimate sharable content.
What do you enjoy doing outside of emc?
I like all things creative and when I have time I enjoy painting, mostly working in oils. I like that it is a slow process, it gives me time to relax and get away from digital technology for a bit. Nature is another interest with botany my main focus. I volunteer with a few local charitable organisations when I can at weekends, and I am gradually getting back into playing the guitar again.
Cake or ice cream?
Definitely cake, or for the best of both worlds ‘ice cream cake’
Pen or pencil?
Pencil. It is so much more forgiving of mistakes.
Tea or coffee?
Old or new?
Truth or dare?
He who dares wins
The book or the film?
The film unless the book has pictures in it
PC or mac?
I’ve been a mac user since my uni days and love them, but never had the pleasure of using one for my work until now.
Who’d win in a fight a crab or a terrapin?
Good question. A terrapin has a powerful jaw, so I reckon they could crack a crab claw or two.
And finally, what came first the chicken or the egg?
Chicken. Something had to lay the egg!
[…] December, Michael joined our growing Creative Content team. As well as shortlisting entries for the British Wildlife […]