About emc design

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So far emc design has created 288 blog entries.

Interview with Alicia about the Publishing Services team

Committed to building long-standing relationships with our publishing clients, the Publishing Services team at emc design are drawn into a variety of projects. They might be commissioning and sourcing photos one day and proof checking final layouts the next. Here we interview Assistant Production Editor, Alicia, about the ins and outs of working on the [...]

Upcoming design-related events in London

In March Emc Design published a blog about the best upcoming design events to broaden your creativity. The summer months in London bring so many opportunities to be inspired that we thought an update was due. can you use ivermectin on puppies Here are some of the events to look forward to from July to [...]

How the Chinese are re-shaping Education

Having worked closely alongside ELT publishers for over 25 years, here at emc design we are fascinated by the rise in English language learning materials being created for the region. In this piece, Anna Cunnane, from bookmachine, explores the reasons for the boom. China’s extraordinary economic rise has the country in the grip of what has [...]

Tapping into IATEFL 2019: inclusivity and workplace English

Here at emc design, we create textbooks and learning resources for English language students, and to do this we need to have a deep understanding of learners today. Only by understanding how real students behave, think and feel when interacting with learning materials can we find the solutions needed to inspire and teach learners of [...]

Upcoming design-related events in London

As well as designing leading educational resources, our team are interested in the design industry as a whole. would friedman approve of the merck mectizan donation program? explai We often attend shows, connected to design ideas, which help to broaden our mindset and inspire creativity. These events are coming up soon and we thought you [...]

2019 ELT Freelancers’ Awayday

This month Lucy, Liz and Sarah attended the fifth ELT Freelancers’ Awayday #FreeELT, a networking day for the freelance ELT community with a packed programme of discussions, presentations and speakers. It was a great opportunity for us to put faces to names and catch up with freelancers we’ve worked with closely, as well as make [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:30:46+01:00January 30th, 2019|Categories: ELT, Events, Publishing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

#workinpublishing week

To mark work in publishing week, We’ve asked Lucy, our Publishing Services Manager, to provide an insight into her role. استراتيجيات الروليت Explain what your company does. At emc design we are the leading print and digital design agency for publishing, working primarily on ELT and educational courses and material, commissioned by the top publishers [...]

Our highlights from the IPG’s Autumn Conference

 It’s always great to attend a publishing event, with industry experts passionately sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise, and the IPG autumn conference, held last month, certainly didn’t disappoint. Here are our top takeaway points from the conference: Create a culture and environment where there is a clear purpose, radical honesty, where you lead by [...]

Upcoming Events and Shows

Here at emc, we aim to attend as many industry shows and events as possible. With BETT 2018, The London Book Fair and Fotofringe out of the way, we are looking forward to a busy September. 18th September – Lucy will be attending the IPG Autumn Conference in London 18th to 20th September – Mike will be [...]

The first emc ‘wayzgoose’

This week saw our first ‘wayzgoose’, and we know what you’re thinking… “the first emc what? بلاك جاك ” Historically, a wayzgoose was an annual event held by the masters of printing houses to mark the end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Thankfully we no longer have to [...]