ELT Teachers can become authors with @ELT_T2W

Continuing with the theme from Sophie's last post for BookMachine on interesting English Language Teaching (ELT) Publishing start-ups, she interviewed Karen Spiller, freelance ELT project manager about her most recent venture with fellow ELT professionals Sue Kay (ELT author) and Karen White (freelance ELT project manager). What is ELT Teacher 2 Writer and who is [...]

By |2017-01-11T15:57:45+01:00July 20th, 2012|Categories: ELT, Publishing, Updates|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Writing for The Round

The changing nature of publishing is forcing Publishing houses, writers, authors – content creators – to think differently, experiment and look at working with new people in new ways. Award winning ELT authors Lindsay Clandfield and Luke Meddings are doing just this. They have set up The Round, which aims to bring together creative people [...]

Life launch party – Cengage & National Geographic's newest #ELT course

Back in February one of our Design Managers, Amy, went along to Cengage and National Geographic's latest ELT course launch, Life at the Natural history Museum. eMC Design was thrilled to be involved in the design of the Student Books for this prestigious new course and we're already looking forward to more of the components [...]

Our article for @BookMachine on the digital narrative @InanimateAlice

Welcome to the world of Inanimate Alice, a truly digital novel that has taken the educational world by storm. The idea for Alice first came about in 2003 and the team (Ian Harper, Chris Joseph and award winning author Kate Pullinger) published the first episode in 2005. The story is told by Alice through 10 [...]