Design does matter: BookMachine event round-up

    Last night emc design and BookMachine co-hosted the first BookMachine design themed evening 'Why Design Matters: Collaborating with your design team', at The Square Pig & Pen in Holborn. Sophie from emc design along with Sam and Laura from BookMachine had been plotting the event for a number of months, as part of [...]

    How agile can we be? An editorial perspective – Part 2 of 3

    In the first part of this mini-series we discussed the complexities of ELT publishing – focusing on publishers’ growing need to get courses to market quickly without losing quality. To do this, the supply chain for larger projects is often made up of smaller companies and individuals, all of whom are going to be working [...]

    How agile can we be? Working effectively with small businesses – Part 1

    As global publishers increasingly promote agile workflows both internally and externally, they rely more and more heavily on many individuals and smaller businesses to help get their massive, multi-million pound courses and products to market. These external suppliers (like emc) can provide any number of different services – from simple design of one component to [...]