5 Adobe Photoshop tips to make your images more pro
In our last post, we shared our top tips to try when using Adobe InDesign – we hope you liked them! Today, we’re sharing our five favourite tips for Adobe Photoshop. At EMC, we pride ourselves on realistic and effective use of Photoshop to ensure that the final product looks the best it can.
5 of our top Adobe Photoshop tips:
- Extending the background – if you need to extend the background of a photo, for example, the sky, you can resize the canvas as necessary, then select the new blank area using the Magic Wand tool and use Content-Aware Fill (Edit > Content-Aware Fill) to automatically fill in the blank area of your canvas. You can adjust the settings, but Photoshop is generally good at predicting which areas of the image to copy. If anything needs touching up because it looks too obviously ‘Photoshopped’, you can use the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush tools on individual areas afterwards, but Content-Aware Fill is usually a good starting point.
- Speed-up cutout’s – use ‘Select > Colour Range’ to speed up cutting something out that’s on a plain background.
- Refine Hair – in the latest update for Photoshop, a new feature has been added called ‘Refine Hair’. This has been added to the ‘Select and Mask’ tool. It is simply a button that uses Photoshop magic to detect the hair in the selection and refine the edges accordingly!
- Use layer masks – when cutting out as it is a non-destructive way of erasing parts of the image that can be adjusted later.
- Batch convert multiple images – When dealing with lots of images, use batch convert to change all the images to the same format and DPI quality.
In our final Adobe post in this mini series we will share with you our Illustrator tips of choice.
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