Meet Rich: our newest designer

We thought it was about time you met our newest member of the team and designer, Rich. Rich has joined us with a wealth of knowledge and experience; we’re looking forward to finding out more about him and his interests. How are you finding emc so far? Really great, everyone is super friendly and helpful. [...]

Meet Sarah: our new Assistant Production Editor

We'd like to introduce you to our newest member of the team and Assistant Production editor, Sarah, who has joined us after finishing a MSc in Publishing. How are you finding emc so far? I love it! Everyone’s been really friendly and helpful. I’ve learnt a lot already and I’m looking forward to learning even more. [...]

Meet Ava: our new Studio & Marketing Assistant

We thought it was about time you met Ava! طريقة لعب القمار Ava joined us at the end of October to help us in the busy run up to Christmas. She helped to get our Christmas cards sent as well as kept an eye out on our social networks and was generally such a helpful bod that [...]

Meet our newest designer Kristina

Meet Kristina, our newest designer, who joined us in our second week of our new home! She’s had a little while to settle in now so we thought it was time for you to find out a little more about her. How have you been finding emc so far? It’s been great thanks! Working freelance is [...]

Come and join our brilliant team

Over the past few years emc design has steadily been recruiting highly skilled designers and production staff. We’ve recently recruited a new designer who will be starting with us in May but with an exciting few years ahead of us we’re looking for more talented people to join our passionate and creative team. اون لاين [...]