Publishing Services Manager

The role of Publishing Services Manager is to oversee our Publishing Services department’s day-to-day needs as well as its ongoing growth as part of the senior management team. does oral ivermectin kill heartworm The role is responsible for bringing the multi-faceted, non-design tasks within the studio together. The role encompasses a business development side where, along [...]

Publishing Services Manager [JOB POST]

The role of Publishing Services Manager is to oversee our Publishing Services department’s day-to-day needs as well as its ongoing growth as part of the senior management team. The role is responsible for bringing the multi-faceted, non-design tasks within the studio together. The role encompasses a business development side where, along with other senior managers, the [...]

How agile can we be? Working effectively with small businesses – Part 1

As global publishers increasingly promote agile workflows both internally and externally, they rely more and more heavily on many individuals and smaller businesses to help get their massive, multi-million pound courses and products to market. These external suppliers (like emc) can provide any number of different services – from simple design of one component to [...]